Monday, November 28, 2011

Runnin from the fuzz....

Well it seems I did a post on this on Thursday, seems I slipped into a turkey coma and completely forgot, so if you want to read below go ahead but most of it is the same as the last blog

Hello everyone its time for an explanation of where runnin from the fuzz was for Sunday, basicly what happened is I got caught up with work and didn't get it done, it will come out Monday along with world of tanks, now for the big shocker for everyone, when I run out of runnin from the fuzz footage im stopping the series not enough views and doesn't seem like people like it, so its going away, may come back one day but for now its gone, but that means that world of tanks will now be shown six days a week with light and medium tanks being shown Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, with tank destroyer and spgs on Monday,  Wednesday and friday. Todays might be a little late with the holidays and the sudden surge of work i'm behind on my voice overs but look for it today


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