Alright last night I made a post showing off my newest video of I suck at World of Tanks, without thinking about it I realized after i made the post that i had never posted a video here for this series so now its time for explanations about the show.
Basically what you have is me playing the game World of Tanks, This is a Free to play MMO pvp tank game, The idea behind the whole game is you start off in your basic light tank, when you go into your matches the objective is to do one of two things, either A) kill all enemy tanks or B) capture the other teams base. Generally its easier to kill all other tanks but sometimes you will get down to where the opposing team has 2-3 tanks left and its easier to get over to the other base and capture it. as you finish matches and win or lose you gain experience as you gain experience you add that into parts for your tank, you can upgrade your turret, your gun, tracks, engine, and radio. eventually after buying newer parts and upgrades you will earn enough experience to upgrade to the next tier of tanks. from light tanks you can either stay in the light tank category or move on to a few different categories, you have the light tank, the medium tank, the Heavy tank, the Spg (artillery) and the Tank destroyer.
Each tank is designed to do something different. The light tank is designed to take a lot of damage when hit, but moves really fast, the idea is to run into the enemies and pass by them while maybe shooting as you pass, you are a scout for the artillery. your main source of experience is to discover other tanks so that people know where they are.
Medium Tanks, The idea behind the medium tank is to be a Flank, Come up the sides of maps shooting at vulnerable targets and retreating when necessary.
Heavy tanks, You are slow end of story you move up the middle of the field shooting at everything, you cannon is huge and it hits hard, the only problem for you is Tank destroyers and SPGS
Tank Destroyers, Hello my little Friend lol, Tank destroyers are designed to be an ambush attacker, hide in bushes behind rocks what ever you can hide behind so no one sees you, then as they pass by take your shot, your gun is designed to pack a huge punch especially to the medium and heavy tanks, there are many videos you will see where i can hit someone from the side and get a one shot
SPG, the spg is every ones most hated/loved class. Everyone loves having a good arty on their side, but everyone hates when the other team has a good arty. I have had many comments on "Cheating arty" "typical arty hiding" "arty's are overpowered" I'm going to squash that right here and right now. Artys are Overpowered as hell, But (you knew there was a but in there) there are a few factors here, One if you are not good at your shots it doesn't matter how overpowered you are. You have to be able to hit the Target, if you cant make contact it doesn't matter how strong your gun is or how hard your shell hits. Second, your tank is the weakest when it comes to armor, If a Medium, heavy or Tank destroyer get near you that's generally the end, while sometimes you can come out of zoomed in mode to take a shot and sometimes get lucky, but one or two shots from them is generally the end, from a light tanks shots it could take 4=5 shots.Third, what some people do not realize is Artys can see the whole map, but we CANNOT SEE TANKS the only way we can see a tank on the map is if some other tank can see them, hence radio is a huge deal to Spg's
Now after all that lovely huge message up there, there is more lol. Each tank generally has the main gun it comes with, you will have 1-3 different gun upgrades from there on out, each gun can use from 2-3 different shells. There is generally either a Free shell (cost no in game money) for some tanks then eventually you will pay in game money for shells. There is also Gold shells, gold shells are paid for buy using the gold currency which is bought with real money and used in game.
Which brings me to my next quick point, Gold can be bought and used for quite a few things, one it can be used to move your experience, when you buy all upgrades on a tank it reaches elite status and all experience can be moved to other tanks buy using gold. you can use gold and exchange to in game currency. There are premium tanks in the game that you buy with gold, these tanks are not the best tanks in game but they generally give you move money per win. Gold can also be used to rename your men, you have a crew from two to upwards of eight per tank, you can pay to rename them, pay to train them to your tank.
Crews alright last but not least (this is a really long post). Your crew is everything to your tank. First off you have to have a crew in your tank or big surprise you can't use that tank. Your crew starts out at 50% training, you can pay 200,000 silver to train your whole crew up to 75% or pay 200 gold to train your whole crew to 100% each training makes differences in your battle, a radio operator at 100% will see further than a radio operator at 50%, a Gunner at 100% will load faster than a 50% see the pattern? Your crew can move with you from tank to tank, although you may have to add members here and there. Each time you switch a tank you can either retrain your crew or leave them as is, if you decide to leave them as is the crew gains experience slower than normal and generally doesn't shoot or move as fast as they could (they don't know the tank so confusion) its your choice to either retrain and start over at 50% (or higher if you pay) or keep them where they are even with the loss.
Alright that's my "Little" over view of World of Tanks now you can watch me suck at it and understand what the hell I'm going on about
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